Charity Services of Mahamevnawa Monastic Order
For the Wellbeing of Humanity

The Supreme Buddha’s life and teachings have inspired many around the world to be kind-hearted and generous individuals. A random act of kindness by one person can be the catalyst for positive change in the world. Therefore Mahamevnawa Sydney actively encourages people of all ages to carry out benevolent activities wherever possible. The activities that we organize include Clean up Australia Day events, Blood donations with the Red Cross, Tree planting and Visiting aged care centres. You can join us in this joyous meritorious effort and reap the benefits in this life itself.
A kind-hearted person observes the situations where others are suffering and takes action to help. An act of kindness can be as simple as smiling and saying hello, sharing your lunch with someone that doesn’t have any or simply listening to someone in need. Cleaning the environment around us and contributing to the health and wellbeing of others are also acts of kindness. Whether they are small acts of kindness that are done on a day to day basis or substantial ones, they can have a life-changing effect on every one that is touched by it.
Generosity is a fundamental part of all the benevolent activities, as you need to dedicate your time, energy and sometimes even money for the wellbeing of others. The Supreme Buddha, on many occasions, mentions the importance of practising generosity and its amazing ability to bring one closer to freedom from all suffering. When you dedicate your time or make a donation for a good cause, you may feel that you are losing something, however, the most valuable wealth of happiness will be gained instead. Generosity indeed can make us happier!
The virtue of patience is one that was praised by the Supreme Buddha. It is an essential quality that is needed in life, especially when you are helping others. You may have to endure rain, sun, hunger, physical pain or harsh words, even from the people you are trying to help. However, it is only if you are patient you will be able to collect merits. By being patient you will have helped yourself and the other person also.
We have implemented many community aid events with the support of local and international devotees and donations. People benefit from programs such as:
- Blood donation campaigns.
- Cleanup Day Events
- Aid programs for victims of natural disasters.
- Donating Dhamma books for temples, schools, libraries etc.
- Freeing animals that were destined to be killed.
- Tree planting events
- Donating water filtering and treatment machines to reduce the kidney related diseases.